Transudate vs. Exudate
(Last Updated - 11/24/2006)

-Features Of An Exudate:
     -Fluid Protein : Serum Protein Ratio > 0.5
     -Fluid LDH : Serum LDH Ratio > 0.6
     -Fluid LDH > 2/3 Normal Serum LDH
     ***If one of the above satisfied then likely exudate, if none then transudate***

     -Spec Grav > 1.016
     -Protein > 3.0 g/dL
     -LDH > 200 U/L

-Normal Pleural Fluid pH: 7.6

     < 5,000 --> Chronic Exudate (Malignancy or Tuberculous Pleurisy)
     > 10,000 --> Exudative Infectious Process (Bacterial Pneumonia)
     > 50,000 --> Empyema Likely
